Little Girl MeowMeow is Lost
Help us find her. Reward $4275.11
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MeowMeow's Timeline | MeowMeow Is Lost | Vedauwoo Stops

Vedauwoo Campground
Vedauwoo Campground, Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming

We took exit 329 on I-80 and drove to Vedauwoo Campground.

We stopped to read the signs and then drove slowly through the RV and tent camping areas. It was really crowded. Tons of people were walking around and active with their camps. It was a little too chaotic for us, plus all the spots were taken anyway.

Did we have a window down far enough for MeowMeow to jump out unnoticed somewhere in this campground? We don't know.

Pole Mountain Signs
Medicine Bow National Forest Pole Mountain Area Sign, Wyoming

We decided to do primitive camping. We drove to Vedauwoo Glen Rd (Forest Road 700) and stopped at the beginning to look at the signs and take pictures of the maps.

From the reflections in the pictures we took, it looks like our doors were closed. But again, I don't know about the windows.

We stopped at several intersections to look down those roads at the camping situations. The campground was packed. There were no empty spots.

Devil's Playground Trailhead
Medicine Bow National Forest Devil's Playground Trailhead, Wyoming

We stopped at the restroom at the Devil's Playground trailhead. I checked the windows at that point to make sure they were rolled up, but cracked enough for her to have a flow of fresh air. I was one hundred percent thinking she was sleeping behind the seat.

Derick wanted to drive, so I went to get in the passenger seat, but first I messed with the seatbelt because it was broken. I had the door open while I did that. I did not see her.

Vedauwoo Rd and Hwy 210
Vedauwoo Rd and Hwy 210

We drove to the end of Vedauwoo Rd and switched back to me driving. I didn't want to ride on 210 at that speed with a broken seatbelt. Did we leave the doors open when we switched? I don't know. We stopped in the front of the truck for a moment and kissed.

Forest Road 707a
Forest Road 707a Medicine Bow National Forest

We drove down 707A?. This was a horrible road that scared me to death. We stopped often to wonder if we should keep going. It started to rain. I was able to turn around after awhile. We never got out.

Forest Road 707 Camping Spot
Forest Road 707 Camping Spot Medicine Bow National Forest

We drove to Blair-Wallis Rd and rounded the corner and found a spot at the top of the hill. Derick remembered his backpack was in the back of the truck in the rain, so he rushed to get it and put it inside. He had the door open awhile. It was still raining. Once he was back in, he gave me a necklace he had bought for me and then I reached under the seat for MeowMeow's food, put it in her bowl and started calling her to come out. That's when this nightmare began for me. She didn't come.

We both got out, calling her, and we pulled everything out of the back seat floorboard, checked her litterbox, and finally we were convinced that she wasn't there. We called around the camping spot, but it was raining. I didn't believe she would be out in the rain. We jumped in the truck to go look for her and I had the thought that she might be under the truck, so I stopped and we checked underneath and opened the hood and checked the engine.

At this point, I don't remember where we looked first or second or third, only that we looked everywhere, except the paid campground, that nasty road, and we didn't drive back to Cheyenne. Derick had said he had seen her after we left Cheyenne. It wasn't till later that he and I were second guessing whether he had really seen her. And of course that would mean she hadn't been lost at the rest area either, but we checked it anyway. We focused a lot on the bathroom where I had been messing with the seatbelt. When it became too dark to see, we drove back to the campground.

When we got up the next morning to go camper to camper searching for her, more than half of them were gone. We were just sick about that. We were convinced someone had taken her home with them and we would never be able to track her. We went to Laramie and had flyers made and came back and posted them at all the spots we had stopped.

MeowMeow's Timeline | MeowMeow Is Lost | Vedauwoo Stops

Keeping It Real

No matter what we are working on, we are always looking for ways to get the word out about our Little Girl MeowMeow. She could be anywhere and we need people to look for her if she is ever to be found. Please look for her! MeowMeow's reward now stands at $4275.11. Thank you so much to all who have pledged! pledge here
Chasing the Dream

The dream for us is to live the life we want, while helping all of our family and friends to also live the lives they want.

It's not much we're asking, as Queen might say. We want it all. And we want it now. And this is how we're doing it.

Chasing the Dream
Atlas Earth

Derick sent me this app. You earn real cash rent on virtual property. The first thing I thought about, of course, was how I could use it to get more people to know about MeowMeow.
I used her picture as my profile pic and I used byclc_dot_com as my username.

Atlas Earth App
Little Girl MeowMeow is Lost

She was last seen on June 27, 2021 at the Sherman Summit Rest Area on I-80 in Wyoming.
We believe she was picked up by someone and taken home with them.

She could be anywhere. Please look for her.

Little Girl MeowMeow is Lost
See You Again

I put a lot of love into this video. I miss MeowMeow so much. You can see the tiktok version here: See You Again. Please share it.

Our Little Girl could be living in the house right next door to you. Please keep an eye out for her.

See You Again MeowMeow

If you have comments or questions, please send an email to Cheryl at

Little Girl MeowMeow is Lost
Help us find her. Reward $4275.11
Make your pledge here.